Archives for October 2014

What You Accept, You Get

I’m a big Dan Kennedy student, I read his stuff, buy his programs and promote his products any chance I get.

Why? Simple, his Marketing philosophy and money making marketing strategies WORK!

Lately when I’ve talk to entrepreneurs not familiar with Kennedy Style Marketing, whether they are a client of mine or not already, I point them in this direction. It’s amazing how easier it is to talk marketing strategy with someone who has this kind of home-field advantage.

That’s why I want to share one of my favorite articles from him with you …here it goes!

What You Accept, You Get

Here’s a secret I’ve discovered about millionaire and multi-millionaire entrepreneurs: they want what they do and their companies do to be right. Not 80% right. Not 90% right. Right, period. They are, therefore, very much disliked by a lot of people, and if they are “big” enough, by the media. Jobs. Bezos. Trump. Working for them, many ex-employees say, was hell. But maybe it was being incompetent in their employ that was hell.

Winning isn’t just a statistic on a spreadsheet or a bank account balance. It is the customer, Mrs. Matilda Smith, in Rockford, Illinois, getting what she asked for on her pizza or the right product in the delivered package or a human answering her call in fewer than four rings. Customer appreciation is not a once a year sale or an automated thank you e-mail. It is an authentic attitude, top-down, permeated throughout an organization, actually occurring – and measured, policed and enforced – every day. I don’t care how big your company, if you don’t actually care about the people, the individuals, giving you money, they will drift off in search of a place where they feel valued and appreciated. 

Another secret about rich entrepreneurs: they don’t just seek success. They HATE failure.

They often react to it violently. Martha Stewart was known to drop into a K-Mart store, find her branded goods sloppily stocked and throw the entire inventory from shelves onto the floor. Eisner instantly fired a group of Disney Park employees caught not smiling. Walt had a fit over one’s lousy delivery of The Jungle Cruise script. I saw Trump tear an empty towel dispenser from a restroom wall in a Trump hotel and throw it 20 yards down a hall.

These people are said to terrorize their employees, their associates, their vendors. But how calmly should you accept failure?  Should you “stay calm and carry on”? Only if you want more of the failure you calmly accept. If your blood doesn’t boil and offenders see fire shoot from your eyeballs, your lesser response will be taken as permission. If there is failure and new training, new controls, new supervision is not installed as remedy, the “let’s TRY and do better” will be taken as permission.

There are places where incompetence as failure has dire and instant consequences. The jailer who forgets to lock the inmate’s cell or misses the razor blade in the body search may wind up quickly dead. It’s a fine object lesson for other jailers. The cruise ship captain who is busy texting  and gets into too-shallow water and capsizes and sinks the whole thing, and injures and drowns passengers, goes to prison. As it should be.

Creating dire and instant consequences for incompetence and failure is a good thing in any and every business. I’ve told of Chuck Sekeres’ “3 strikes and you’re out” for his in-bound telemarketers: three calls in a row without a set appointment, you’re out. Next batter up. No quarterly performance evaluations. Don’t even wait to be told. After 3, get up and slink out. Minute by minute. Drop three passes in a game, butt on bench. If possible, traded.  Fail at managing the V.A., the IRS and Benghazi, shouldn’t three strikes be enough?  They tried to impeach Clinton over one intern. I used the word RUTHLESS in my book title “No BS Management of People and Profits” because, damn it, we desperately need a lot more ruthlessness in a lot more places. In homes, in neighborhoods, in small businesses, in big companies, in government. You can start with you.

So what did you think? They don’t call him “The Professor of Harsh Reality” for nothing right?

So here’s a little gift from Dan and I!

NOTE: To receive $633.91 of free money-making marketing and sales information from Dan Kennedy and GKIC simply click the link below.

Get Your Gift Here!  

Here’s a little background on Dan in case you’ve never heard of him,

DAN S. KENNEDY is a serial, multi-millionaire entrepreneur; highly paid and sought after marketing and business strategist; advisor to countless first-generation, from-scratch multi-millionaire and 7-figure income entrepreneurs and professionals; and, in his personal practice, one of the very highest paid direct-response copywriters in America. As a speaker, he has delivered over 2,000 compensated presentations, appearing repeatedly on programs with the likes of Donald Trump, Gene Simmons (KISS), Debbi Fields (Mrs. Fields Cookies), and many other celebrity-entrepreneurs, for former U.S. Presidents and other world leaders, and other leading business speakers like Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy and Tom Hopkins, often addressing audiences of 1,000 to 10,000 and up.  His popular books have been favorably recognized by Forbes, Business Week, Inc. and Entrepreneur Magazine. His NO B.S. MARKETING LETTER, one of the business newsletters published for Members of GKIC Insider’s Circle, is the largest paid subscription newsletter in its genre in the world.

Remember guys I am promoting this program, if you do decide to follow through with it I will get paid a small commission. This is the way I look at it:

  • I don’t promote things I haven’t used and bought myself
  • I don’t promote things that don’t work
  • You are always GUARANTEED to benefit!
  • I’m creating win-win-win scenarios
  • and I always vet my sources

In the meantime enjoy your FREE gift and stay focused my friends!

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Get People to Buy From You Over and Over Again In 3 Easy Steps, Even When They Say No The First Time!

sales techniques

Sales Techniques that Work in Real Life!

So you are probably thinking, you need to be persistent, pesty, pushy and get across salesy in order to come away with what the title of this post implies.

But it’s actually the opposite… By the way an important distinction I’d like to make in relation to this topic before we get into it is the following:

In “Sales Techniques That Work!, Not getting a response and getting a “No” or “Not Interested” are two totally different reactions from prospects or existing clients.

The thing is many times we interpret “not getting a response” as a “No”.

Don’t do that!

There could me many reasons why someone is not responsive to you for example, they lack time, they might be assuming you are way above their budget, they haven’t seen your ad or email invite, they are too busy to engage with you at the moment, or maybe you haven’t communicated your offer effectively, who knows!

Whatever the reason, don’t assume their answer is “No”, until you hear it.

But even if “No” is their answer, well that’s what this post is all about …Here we go!

Here’s Step #1

Understand these sales techniques first and save yourself a lot of anguish and self-doubt:

Most everyone says NO the first time, and if they don’t say it they think it!

No one likes to be sold, but almost everyone loves to buy stuff they want!

[Warning] – We are assuming that what you have to offer ACTUALLY solves a problem and helps people! If you suck there’s no marketing strategy or sales technique that can help you.

Start by genuinely having a conversation about the things causing them the most pain at the moment. Then IF and only IF you can help, position your solution naturally and without pressure.

Don’t try to sell an aspirin to someone who doesn’t have a headache –if you can’t help offer support and point them to someone in your network of friends and associates who can.

Remember these easy sales techniques when you hear “No” or “Not Interested”

  • Don’t take No(s) personally
  • Find out what they are really saying NO to!
  • Reposition your offer, idea or hook in mid-flight if you have to
  • Don’t go for the sale, go for conversation!
  • Scale the process and get micro-commitments

Here’s Step #2

Once is never enough… you need to show genuine and unwavering consistency!

You MUST have a strategic and consistent value-based follow up…

What does that mean? Most sales professionals and service oriented entrepreneurs do not have a follow up strategy or specific sales techniques. Your follow up needs to have 3 essential elements:

  • Follow up with genuine concern“last time we spoke you were wrestling with the issue of [ blank], is that still the case?”
  • Have a value-based offer/solution“…thinking about our conversation recently it occurred to me this might help, Are you familiar with [blank]?
  • Have a calendar mindset“…on that topic I’m hosting a webinar on this day [blank]” or “I have some ideas that I think might help you, do you have 10 minutes for a Skype chat tomorrow at 1 pm?

You can word these anyway it fits you.

And finally Step #3

In Sales Success this one is a total mind shift in terms of approach, it might take you a while, but once you get it you just left orbit!

You don’t make a sale to get a client, you get a client in order to make a sale!

Most sales professionals actually think and want to make money on their first encounter. This is a big mistake!

When it comes to building serious loyalty and goodwill, in essence build a strong customer or client base, you need to give away your best stuff at cost!

Listen to me! –YOUR BEST AT COST!

This achieves success in 3 critical areas of your business:

  • Authority – you establish yourself as an expert
  • Build trust – an essential virtue in long term business relationships
  • Grow you list – a critical component of the longevity and strength of your business is how large your list is and your relationship with it!

Those willing to spend the most on acquiring and building their list will come out on top every time!

I seriously hope you put these techniques to work right away!

It’s simple, make a list of pending follow ups, new contacts and sleepy referrals, and craft your approach following these 3 easy steps!

Take care and stay focused!

Download This Post In PDF Format!


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