Archives for July 2019

Is Your Real Estate Business a Hobby, Job, Career, or Vocation?

Many of my friends and colleagues are realtors. Some of them do better than others. Most of them are scraping by. Less than 1% are CRUSHING IT!

So what are these one-percenters doing differently than everyone else?

They’re not smarter or more knowledgeable. They have access to the same inventory everyone else does.

They have the same amount of hours in the day. And I would say they face many of the same challenges.

So what makes them so successful?Continue Reading

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How To Craft an Ad Not Even the Most Cynic of Prospects Could Resist

She was sorting her mail right over the garbage bin, like most people do.

A little while later she was closing every single pop up ad on her screen, and ignoring every ad Facebook flashed in front of her.

She was a rock, completely immune to advertising.Continue Reading

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